If you’re looking to see your Delafield home, now is the time! Home prices in Delafield are up.
In 2015, Delafield had 187 listings. But in 2016, listings increased to 210. In Addition, total sold value went up from $86,674,129 in 2015 to $108,777,262 in 2016.
The average sold price went up from $463,498 in 2015 to $517,987 in 2016. Sale to list price averaged 97% in 2017.
My Real Estate Team makes selling your home easy. We have a comprehensive Home Sellers’ Guide. It is packed with great tips to help you prepare your home for sale. In addition, it has money-saving coupons for services like: Window Cleaning, House and Carpet Cleaning, Painting and More.
Find out how much your home is worth! Feel free to print and share the PDF below with all the home sale data for Delafield: